Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What if the world were to stand still?

Coming across this image in the daily spread of mass information, makes you stop and think.

It makes you stop, and instead of "stopping," you move, you get an itch from your toes to your head that spreads through the intestines all of the way to the very tips of your fingers. 

What if the world were to stand still?  What if it were to stop and the only thing that made it move were those who wanted to move.  Society seems to be drifting into a form of passiveness.  Of inactivity, of drive, of passion.  Where are those who still want to be somebody?  The media, our education, our society gleams on celebrities, but let those in stardom remain there.  There is a constant negativity of absolute ordinariness, plainness, a celebration of gray.  A celebration of neutral, of carelessness, of heartlessness.  A society based on artificial intelligence.  In the age of technology, we as a society have become robotic, only going through the motions of what life is supposed to be without questioning why, or where.  Why is it that people who want to be extraordinary are frowned upon?  Students are made to feel bad (in some schools) for their success in the classroom.  Why is mediocrity made to be a bad thing?  Wouldn't the economy and the world turn around, if people actually cared?  If they decided to wake up in the morning and say that society is wrong, I can do what i want; I don't need the lack-of-approval for my success. 

Forms of art and design are looked upon this way.  In terms of career and education, being the artist or the designer is frowned upon.  It is not the smarter choice.  But what is interesting is that many people who choose the path of the doctor, engineer, or lawyer, seem to be unhappy in some way.  There is a lack of passion of happiness.  The success of one's career in business and in more formal and "serious" paths of work are the equivalent to what I am calling mediocrity.  A celebration of blah.  

This is why this image says so much more.  It says (to me and my ranting) that happiness doesn't have to come later in life, and it can actually happen right now.  You can be the next ballerina if you told yourself you wanted to be.  If people stop judging (standing) then maybe there will be once again movers in the world.  Movers who don't sit behind desks and sign papers, but real movers, where action reacts from action and words shout volumes.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Interior, view looking of my hybrid cafe design.  The capabilities of changing people's movements with form and their relation to sound.  Made out of copper tubes, the length of each tube controls the sound quality (in terms of volume).  The cafe functions as a cafe but also as a music performance space; the band plays on the second level, or rather on the surface of the tubes and the sounds of their music are more like that of a beautiful after thought to the general cafe user.